Whole Life Challenge Survival Guide

Whole Life Challenge Survival Guide

It's only a few days until the 2018 New Year's challenge begins. This will be my second challenge, so I am more excited than anxious, although it was not this way last year. I was unsure if it was going to be more of a "diet" like Whole 30 and if it was something sustainable. A friend of mine told me about the challenge and since I've always been interested to health and fitness, I wanted to find out what the Whole Life Challenge was all about. I got my husband on board (very reluctantly) and we gave it a shot.

I have to say, the challenge was so much more than I expected. It is truly a lifestyle challenge that not only helps you learn the foods that cause cravings and inflammation, but also how many other factors play into well-being. I'm a regular exerciser, so that part wasn't hard for me, but the stretching, mindfulness, water intake, etc was such a great reminder of all that contributes to your overall health.

If you're new to the challenge, I've put together a few helpful tips that I hope will make you feel a little more prepared. If you've done the challenge before, please feel free to add suggestions to the list! Stay tuned for more posts during the New Year challenge for more tips, recipes and exercises.

1) Planning is key
Meal planning, planning stretching time, time to journal, etc, makes everything much more manageable. It's ok if you don't stick to the plan exactly, but planning will make it more likely you will accomplish each of the requirements each day. Over the weekend, I would make my plan for the week. I'd make my grocery list, go shopping and meal prep.

2) Stock up on healthy staples
Head to Aldi, Costco and Trader Joes and stock up on compliant pantry staples to have on hand. Some of my favorite staples include raw almond butter, sweet potato fries, frozen cauliflower rice, coconut aminos and coconut sugar from Trader Joe's. I also like Costco's big jar of almond butter, smart water, and selection of nuts. I usually get things like organic coconut oil, stevia, la croix and nuts and seeds at Aldi. If these stores aren't available, try another health food store or Amazon. They have most everything you would need and it will be delivered to your door in two days!

3) Stretch strategically
For me, working out and stretching in the morning worked best. Mostly because I knew I could get it in and be done. But, if I couldn't stretch in the morning post-workout, I would find 3-5 minute breaks during work or even in the evening while watching TV.  I mean, what else are you going to do during those commercials? (Who am I kidding? No one watches live TV anymore!) Anywho, just think about any brief moment of downtime you have and use it for stretching.

4) Make drinking water fun
Fun may be too strong of a word, but there are ways to spruce up your water intake. You can use the rubber-band method if you want a visual way to remember your intake. You can also add fruits and herbs to give it some flavor. Mint, lemon and cucumber are some of my favorite water add-ins.

5) Get a journal
I find having a pretty journal to keep track of my meals, water and reflection make it easier and more fun. Target has a great selection and you can also find great ones on Amazon. I still track food and exercise digitally in MyFitnessPal, but I still think hand-writing stuff makes a bigger impact. (For instance, if I write I ate a brownie vs typing it in, it seems to carry more weight.)

The great thing about the Whole Life Challenge is that if gives you room to actually live your life. If you go out to a dinner and have more than one cocktail or decide to have a bite of dessert, you don't have to panic. Just get back on track the next day. You don't have to "start over" or beat yourself up about it. Obviously, the goal is to stick to the plan as much as possible, but there are going to be times where it just isn't feasible. So my advice is do your best, but give yourself a break every once in a while.


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