Flourless Banana Oatmeal Pancakes

Ok, the recipe you've all been waiting for!! Haha! I found this recipe a while back and make it whenever we have a little extra time on the weekend mornings. It's a great way to use those ripe bananas and a great way to enjoy pancakes without the extra sugar.

I've adapted this from Big Man's World original banana smoothie pancakes. I really like how fluffy these turn out without being dry. The recipe is also so easy, nutritious and of course, delicious!

We're doing the Whole Life Challenge, so I used date syrup instead of maple syrup, but my daughter enjoyed a little maple syrup with hers and there were no complaints from anyone! :-) Btw, I think date syrup is a little thick, so I added a little warm water to mine to smooth out and it was perfect. I still prefer good old maple syrup, but if you are trying to have a minimal insulin impact, date syrup is the way to go.

2 cups rolled oats
1/2 cup almond milk
2 large ripe bananas
2 Tbs baking powder
2 Tbs apple cider vinegar
2 packets stevia
2 tsp vanilla

Pour all of the ingredients into a blender. I recommend adding the milk first to allow for better blending. You may have to stir a few times to get it all combined, but the batter should be thick. Let the batter rest while you heat a non-stick pan or griddle. Add butter until melted. Pan should be about medium heat. Add about 1/4 cup batter per pancake. These should be fairly small to keep them fluffy. Cook until bubbles form and then flip. Cook on batches until done. Add a little more butter, if desired and enjoy with some maple or date syrup for dipping!

Oh yeah...this makes about 9-10 small pancakes! Perfect for two adults and a toddler, two hungry adults, or four really not hungry people! :-)


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